About Bristol Climate Hub
Bristol Climate Hub was launched in November 2020, as part of the One City initiative – a partnership model designed to help Bristol come together to resolve complex issues.
Earlier this year, the One City Environment Board produced the One City Climate Strategy – Bristol’s overall framework to Net Zero by 2030.
The council’s Climate Action Survey showed that while people in Bristol care deeply about the environment, many people lack the information and confidence they need to make positive changes.
Bristol Climate Hub is helping residents and business owners make informed decisions through taking action to reduce their own household and business carbon footprints. Each suggestion on this website has its own rating, to give an idea of how impactful every action is.
We may feel small taking action as individuals, households or even organisations, but when we work together as a city we can make a big difference. We all have a part to play in reducing Bristol’s carbon footprint – and this website is a good place to start.

Climate change and Bristol
Bristol is a city that cares about its environmental impact. Over 700 of you responded to the Climate Action Survey, with 81% of residents responding to say they were very concerned about climate change.
In 2018, Bristol declared a climate emergency and we started to explore how to meet our goal of being carbon neutral by 2030. In 2020, we also declared an ecological emergency in response to the growing threats to our wildlife and ecosystems.
Bristol is a comparatively good city for cycling and recycling, but there is still much more we can do to lower the effects of climate issues and pollution. These are problems that need us all to pull together in Bristol to solve them – not just individually, but in our communities, businesses, charities and local government.
Find out what action Bristol City Council is taking in response to climate change.