Switch to low-energy bulbs
Themes: Electronics, Energy

If everyone in the UK changed their most used lightbulb for a low energy bulb, we could close down one power station1.
Did you know? LED lightbulbs use over 50% less energy than the traditional alternative.
This may only be a tiny difference per bulb, but if we all made the switch to LED, the collective impact could make a huge difference to the UK’s demand for energy.
The council has reduced its carbon emissions by 4,000 tonnes, and saved £1 million by installing energy efficient street lamps.
This small change will save you money – not a great deal but it will lower your electricity usage.
1Science Knowledge and the Environment: A Guide for Students and Teachers in Primary Education, Michael Littledyke, Liz Lakin, Keith Ross, Routledge, 19 Dec 2013
Useful links
Switch to low-energy bulbs
Themes: Electronics, Energy

If everyone in the UK changed their most used lightbulb for a low energy bulb, we could close down one power station1.
Did you know? LED lightbulbs use over 50% less energy than the traditional alternative.
This may only be a tiny difference per bulb, but if we all made the switch to LED, the collective impact could make a huge difference to the UK’s demand for energy.
The council has reduced its carbon emissions by 4,000 tonnes, and saved £1 million by installing energy efficient street lamps.
This small change will save you money – not a great deal but it will lower your electricity usage.
1Science Knowledge and the Environment: A Guide for Students and Teachers in Primary Education, Michael Littledyke, Liz Lakin, Keith Ross, Routledge, 19 Dec 2013
Useful links
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Let us know what you think is missing – or tell us about something else you do to reduce your impact.