Do some climate craftivism
Themes: Community, Fun

There are many different ways to get your community inspired about taking climate action and encouraging decision-makers to listen to and act on your community’s climate concerns. Accessible, creative activities can help encourage a diverse range of people get engaged with climate issues locally.
Craftivism is the practice of engaged creativity to highlight political or social causes. It is a gentle act of protest, where you create and gift something beautiful, handmade and personalised to a decision-maker, in order to highlight an issue and ask for constructive action to help make the world a better place. Climate craftivism focuses on raising awareness of climate change and asking decision-makers (locally, nationally, internationally) to take climate action.
Community artist Dee Moxon used climate craftivism as part of the Bristol Community Climate Action project. She worked with six community partners to understand the climate related challenges affecting their communities and created climate craftivism activities to highlight these issues.
View Dee’s online film resources and get creatively active about climate with your community.
Useful links
Watch Dee’s ‘Love our Lungs Botanical sun catcher’ climate craftivism film: Love Our Lungs – Bristol Climate Craftivist Action – YouTube
Watch Dee’s ‘Create a High-rise planter’ climate craftivism film: High Rise Herb Planter – YouTube
Read more about Climate Craftivism in Bristol: Climate Craftivism – take part in creative climate action this summer – Bristol Green Capital
Find out about the Stitches for Survival climate craftivism project
Check out the Craftivism Collective’s COP26 #canarycraftivists campaign
Do some climate craftivism
Themes: Community, Fun

There are many different ways to get your community inspired about taking climate action and encouraging decision-makers to listen to and act on your community’s climate concerns. Accessible, creative activities can help encourage a diverse range of people get engaged with climate issues locally.
Craftivism is the practice of engaged creativity to highlight political or social causes. It is a gentle act of protest, where you create and gift something beautiful, handmade and personalised to a decision-maker, in order to highlight an issue and ask for constructive action to help make the world a better place. Climate craftivism focuses on raising awareness of climate change and asking decision-makers (locally, nationally, internationally) to take climate action.
Community artist Dee Moxon used climate craftivism as part of the Bristol Community Climate Action project. She worked with six community partners to understand the climate related challenges affecting their communities and created climate craftivism activities to highlight these issues.
View Dee’s online film resources and get creatively active about climate with your community.
Useful links
Watch Dee’s ‘Love our Lungs Botanical sun catcher’ climate craftivism film: Love Our Lungs – Bristol Climate Craftivist Action – YouTube
Watch Dee’s ‘Create a High-rise planter’ climate craftivism film: High Rise Herb Planter – YouTube
Read more about Climate Craftivism in Bristol: Climate Craftivism – take part in creative climate action this summer – Bristol Green Capital
Find out about the Stitches for Survival climate craftivism project
Check out the Craftivism Collective’s COP26 #canarycraftivists campaign
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Let us know what you think is missing – or tell us about something else you do to reduce your impact.